Support for SOVS research staff

Requesting support

If you need information or support with a grant application, please email the SOVS research support team at as soon as possible – ideally a few weeks in advance, especially if you would like some assistance with your budget or application. Our research support team need to enter budgets into the UoA template before applications are submitted into InfoEd; this template includes all overheads and salary-related costs. They can also assist with MOUs, grant guidelines, and eligibility.


Each month researchers will be notified by email of upcoming deadlines. You can also search the FMHS and UoA grant calendars at any time – please note the internal deadlines:

FMHS grant calendar
UOA grant calendar
Research Professional (for more detailed searches)

Funding application process

1. Advise the FIRST team at and have your budget checked as soon as possible.
2. Organise two peer reviews of your application.
3. Ideally draft applications will be submitted for review at a research meeting at least two weeks prior to the internal deadline.
4. Register your application in the funder’s portal where applicable.
5. The University requires 7 working days for quality assurance checks prior to the funders’ deadlines; submit your application into the Research Funding Module by the internal deadline.
Submit your application into the funder’s portal or email it to by the internal deadline (as per the funding call guidelines).

Research meetings

If you have a topic to suggest for discussion or would like a funding application reviewed at an upcoming research meeting, please contact Sam Schwarzkopf (